On Dec. 7, several KCCP members had breakfast with Representative Rush Holt, who is a member of Congress, 12th districit of New Jersey. After Rep. Holt attended two consecutive KCCP Chuseok Gallas in 2008 and 2009, he wanted to reach out to the Korean community in the greater Princeton area to hear our concerns. Mr. Yongkeun Joh generously offered a breakfast in his house to make this meeting possible.
We discussed issues on education, health, and maintaining Korean heritage in the U.S., etc. Then he explained what he can do for the Korean community in general. He also invited anyone who is interested in politics to his office in Washington DC.
Due to the time constraint, we could not have further discussions on the issues but he made sure that he is welcome to any input from us and the communication channel is always open. His service in his district is summarized in his website http://holt.house.gov/about.shtml.
Minkyu Lee