KCCP President’s Spring Greeting

Dear KCCP founding members,

Greetings to all.
I am honored to serve KCCP as the newly elected President along with a dedicated team of officers this year.
As I indicated in the February e-Newsletter, we have a number of activities and events planned for this year.

We will have a golf tournament on May 31st at the Cranbury golf club in West Windsor, NJ. We lowered the individual admission fee to $ 100 to promote more participation. To have a successful fundraising event, we need founding members’ support! For more information, please see our website – http://www.kccprinceton.org/the-8th-annual-kccp-fundraising-golf-tournament-will-be-held-at-130-p-m-on-saturday-may-31st/

Please save the date on September 27th for the Chuseok gala and November 8th for a health conference  on how to cope with and prepare for aging

With your support, we will have a vibrant year filled with cultural and fun networking activities while serving the greater Princeton community.

Best regards,
Choong-Hyun Baik

친애하는 KCCP 창립위원님들께,
여러분 모두께 문안인사 드립니다.
올해에 회장직을 맡아 프린스턴 지역 한인커뮤니티를 함께 일할 임원님들과 섬길수 있게되어 영광입니다. 2월달 뉴스레터에서 말씀드렸듯이 올해에도 여러 행사가 마련되어 있습니다.

5월 31일에는Cranbury golf club에서 골프토너먼트를 갖습니다. 많은분이 참석하시라고 참가비를 저녁포함 $ 100로 하였읍니다. 여러분의 성원과 후원을 기대합니다. 자세한 내용은 http://www.kccprinceton.org/the-8th-annual-kccp-fundraising-golf-tournament-will-be-held-at-130-p-m-on-saturday-may-31st/ 를 참조하세요.

올해 갈라는 9월 27일에, 노화에 관한 건강 세미나는 11월 8일에 있으니 이날들을 save해 주세요.

여러 창립위원님들의 성원으로 활기차게 문화교류와 넽워킹을하며 프린스턴 지역 커뮤니티를 잘 섬기는 한해가 되기를 바랍니다.

백충현 배상